Transform your Health & Wellbeing

‘Be In Your Element’ offers a holistic system of self-healthcare and personal development that inspires and empowers you to positively transform your physical health and emotional wellbeing.'

This effective approach has been used by thousands of people around the world for a happier, healthier, and more conscious way of living. Based on Oriental Medicine, traditional macrobiotics has been combined with Western psychotherapy counselling to understand where you are now and where you want to get to. Macrobiotics means ‘big life’ and is a well-documented and profound philosophy that helps us to understand the constantly changing external environment and then offers personalised guidance for the creation of a more harmonious and happy balance in our lives.

Services include:

  • Nutrition advice (using seasonal, mainly plant-based, and whole-foods as medicine)

  • Personal development through counselling and coaching

  • Bodywork and lifestyle recommendations for wellbeing

  • Women’s health and menstrual cycle issues

  • Oriental diagnosis and face reading

  • Talks, presentations, retreats, and group facilitation

  • Nature-connection and walks for health & wellbeing

‘...Emma is ‘brilliant, empathic, flexible, passionate, knowledgeable, thoughtful, good listener,

positive, compassionate’ Martine

'Emma's thorough knowledge, professional skills, self awareness and genuine compassion made those tutorials

rewarding on many levels.’ Saif


